Library updates
This section aims at showing the latest release of the library. We show most important releases that included new features. Library versions in between are used to fix bugs and implement improvement suggested by users’ feedback.
1.2.5 - May 5, 2023 - New distribution statinf.distributions.discrete.NegativeBinomial()
Statinf’s distributions module now includes a class for the Negative Binomial distribution. In the same spirit as already available distributions, the module allows to estimate parameters from data via Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and generate samples from the estimated (or user-provided) parameters.
In this release, the computations for the normalizing factor in the Conway-Maxwell Poisson distribution (statinf.distributions.discrete.CMPoisson.Z()
) has been improved.
This now offers stable results of the computation heavy factor improving the results from the parameters estimation.
The new implementation also simplifies computations of the infinite sum of factorials by using mathematical tricks.
Exploiting the fact that \(a^{b} = \exp(b \cdot \log(a))\), we can simplify factors such as \((j!)^{\nu}\) to be \(\exp \left(\nu \cdot \sum_{i=1}^{j} {\log(i)} \right)\).
This significantly speeds up computations while leading to the same results.
The main changes are:
for the generic Poisson distributionstatinf.distributions.discrete.CMPoisson.Z()
improved implementation of the normalizing factor
How to use it?
from statinf.distributions import NegativeBinomial
# Let us generate a random sample of size 1000
x = NegativeBinomial(n_=5, p_=0.15).sample(size=1000)
# We can also estimate the parameters from the generated sample
# We just need to initialize the class...
nb = NegativeBinomial()
# ... and we can fit from the generated sample. The function returns a dictionary
# The class stores the value of the estimated parameters,
# wo we can generate more samples using the fitted parameters
y = nb.sample(200)
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.2.4
See more details: statinf.distributions.discrete.NegativeBinomial()
and statinf.distributions.discrete.CMPoisson.Z()
1.2.0 - February 5, 2023 - New module statinf.distributions()
available for discrete distributions
Statinf now includes a module for proability distributions. The module allows to estimate parameters from data via Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and generate samples from the estimated (or user-provided) parameters. The module currently include discrete distributions, continuous distributions will be added later.
The main additions are:
for the generic Poisson distributionstatinf.distributions.discrete.CMPoisson()
for the Conway-Maxwell Poisson distribution, a generalization of the Poisson
More discrete and continuous distributions will be added soon.
How to use it?
from statinf.distributions import Poisson
# Let us generate a random sample of size 1000
x = Poisson(lambda_=2.5).sample(size=1000)
# We can also estimate the parameter from the generated sample
# We just need to initialize the class...
poiss = Poisson()
# ... and we can fit from the generated sample. The function returns a dictionary
# The class stores the value of the estimated parameters,
# so we can generate more samples using the fitted parameters
y = poiss.sample(200)
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.2.0
See more details: statinf.distributions.discrete.Discrete()
1.1.0 - March 7, 2021 - New backend dependency for
Jax is now the new dependency for Statinf Deep Learning module. The module supports the same functionalities but the backend has moved from theano to jax. The library offers auto-gradient computations that better scale with GPUs for high performance.
The main changes are:
offer the argument alpha as the momentum parameter and replaces the
replaces the previoustrain()
function and offers the same functionalities.The value for the parameters of the optimizer can now be passed through the
More functionalities will soon be available.
How to use it?
from import MLP, Layer
# Initialize the network and its architecture
nn = MLP(loss='mse')
nn.add(Layer(4, 1, activation='linear'))
# Train the neural network, X=X, Y=Y, epochs=1, learning_rate=0.001)
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.1.0
See more details:
1.0.28 - September 27, 2020 - Time series module statinf.stats.timeseries()
New functions for time series are now available in the statinf.stats
The current functions available are:
for Augmented Dickey-Fuller test.statinf.stats.timeseries.coint_test()
for cointegration test.
More functionalities will soon be available.
How to use it?
from statinf.stats import adf_test, coint_test
import requests
import pandas as pd
# Function to generate data
def get_bitfinex_asset(asset, ts_start=None, ts_end=None):
# Defaults from 1 January 2018, 00:00:00
ts_ms_start = 1514768400000 if ts_start is None else ts_start
ts_ms_end = int(*100) if ts_end is None else ts_end
url = '' + asset + '/hist'
params = { 'start': ts_ms_start, 'end': ts_ms_end, 'sort': 1}
r = requests.get(url, params=params)
data = r.json()
return pd.DataFrame(data)[2]
# Create the data series
series = get_bitfinex_asset(asset='BTCUSD')
series2 = get_bitfinex_asset(asset='NEOUSD')
# Test stationarity of the first series with ADF test
ts.adf_test(series, trend='ct')
# Test cointegration of both series
ts.coint_test(series, series2, trend='ct')
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.0.28
See more details: statinf.stats.timeseries.adf_test()
and statinf.stats.timeseries.coint_test()
1.0.27 - September 13, 2020 - New module
A new functionality is now available for Machine Learning models to scale data.
The class
includes the below methods:
Scales the data to range between 0 and 1.
Scales the data to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1 (user can chose to center or reduce or not).
How to use it?
from import Scaler
# Load the Scaler class
scaler = Scaler(data=df, columns=['X1', 'X2'])
# Scale our dataset with MinMax method
scaled_df = scaler.MinMax()
# Unscale data
unscaled_df = scaler.unscaleMinMax(scaled_df)
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.0.27
See more details:
1.0.23 - May 17, 2020 - New model GLM()
and improved features for OLS()
STATINF now provides a module for Generalized Linear Models: statinf.regressions.glm.GLM()
The module currently implements binomial and gaussian families of distribution for Logit and Probit models.
We will soon extend to other families.
The module will also propose different heteroskedastic-robut covariance estimates such as Sandwich,
\(HC0\), \(HC1\), \(HC2\) and \(HC3\) (non-robust is currently available).
The module fits the model with the Newton-Raphson’s method.
It proposes a function for Partial and Average Partial Effect (statinf.regressions.glm.GLM.partial_effects()
The argument
in statinf.regressions.LinearModels.OLS()
now supports variable transformations.
You can run you regressions and created interaction variables in the forumla.
This can be particularly useful for difference in differences.
Also, the function statinf.regressions.LinearModels.OLS.predict()
has been upgraded and can not return confidence intervals for prediction.
The function will continue to return a numpy.array
for standard predictions and will return a pandas.DataFrame
for confidence intervals.
The syntax issues encountered in
in version 1.1.16 have been fixed.
The module is now fully working.
A new version of STATINF 1.1.0 will soon be released with a stable version of all existing components. Stay tuned!
How to use it?
from statinf.regressions import GLM
# We set the Logit formula
formula = "Y ~ X0 + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4"
# We fit the GLM with the data, the formula and without intercept
logit = GLM(formula, data, fit_intercept=False, family='binomial')'nonrobust', plot=False)
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.0.23
See more details: statinf.regressions.LinearModels.GLM()
and statinf.regressions.LinearModels.OLS()
1.0.21 - Apr 26, 2020 - New module stats()
STATINF now comes with an advanced statistics modules.
It allows to get traditional descriptive statistics such as statinf.stats.descriptive.var()
, statinf.stats.descriptive.cov()
but also statinf.stats.descriptive.pearson()
and statinf.stats.descriptive.spearman()
This modules also provides statistical tests statinf.stats.tests.ttest()
for one sample and statinf.stats.tests.ttest_2samp()
as well as statinf.stats.tests.kstest()
How to use it?
from statinf import stats
# Normality test
# 1-sample test for a mean
stats.ttest([30.02, 29.99, 30.11, 29.97, 30.01, 29.99], mu=30)
# 2-sample test for comparing means
stats.ttest(a, b)
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.0.21
See more details and examples: statinf.stats.tests()
and statinf.stats.descriptive()
1.0.19 - Apr 17, 2020 - Update for OLS()
The summary statinf.regressions.LinearModels.OLS()
model has been improved with better layout and the possibility to return a DataFrame.
This will allow users to extract individual components (such as variable p-value, coefficients, …) for automation purposes.
How to use it?
from statinf.regressions import OLS
# We set the OLS formula
formula = "Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X0"
# We fit the OLS with the data, the formula and without intercept
ols = OLS(formula, data, fit_intercept=False)
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.0.19
See more details: statinf.regressions.LinearModels.OLS()
More detailled example: OLS example
1.0.16 - Mar 22, 2020 - New module BinaryPerformance()
A new modules has been implemented for evaluation binary classification problem with
The module (model agnostic) takes the prediction from a model and can return: model accuracy, confusion matrix, F1-score, precision and recall.
Syntax issues have been identified in this module. This will be corrected in version 1.1.22.
How to use it?
from import BinaryPerformance
## Load the performance class
perf = BinaryPerformance(y_true=data[Y].values, y_pred=predicted)
## Model accuracy
## Confusion matrix
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.0.16
See more details:
1.0.12 - Mar 10, 2020 - New optimizers available
Multiple optimizers have been added on top of the traditional SGD()
now supports
How to use it?
from import MLP, Layer
# Initialize the network and its architecture
nn = MLP(loss='mse')
nn.add(Layer(4, 1, activation='linear'))
# Train the neural network
nn.train(data=data, X=X, Y=Y, epochs=1, learning_rate=0.001, optimizer='adam')
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.0.12
See more details:
1.0.7 - Feb 1, 2020 - New model MLP()
STATINF now offers a Neural Network framework with
It is powered by theano and numpy.
It allows to run a model on multiple CPUs or with GPUs (see Theano documentation).
How to use it?
from import MLP, Layer
# Initialize the network and its architecture
nn = MLP(loss='mse')
nn.add(Layer(4, 1, activation='linear'))
# Train the neural network
nn.train(data=data, X=X, Y=Y, epochs=1, learning_rate=0.001)
How to install it?
pip3 install statinf==1.0.7
See more details:
More examples: Getting Stated - Deep Learning.