import numpy as np
import math
import warnings
from scipy import stats as scp
from . import descriptive as desc
from ..misc import test_summary, format_object
# One sample Student test
[docs]def ttest(x, mu=0, alpha=0.05, is_bernoulli=False, two_sided=True, return_tuple=False):
"""One sample Student's test.
In the two-sided setup, we aim at testing:
.. math:: H_{0}: \\bar{X} = \\mu \\text{ against } H_{1}: \\bar{X} \\neq \\mu
The one-sided setup tests :math:`H_{0}: \\bar{X} \\leq \\mu` against :math:`H_{0}: \\bar{X} > \\mu`.
The p-value is computed as:
.. math:: \\mathbb{P}(|Z| \\geq |t| \\mid H_{0} \\text{ holds})
with, under :math:`H_{0}`:
.. math:: t = \\dfrac{\\bar{X}_{1} - \\mu }{ \\dfrac{s}{\\sqrt{n}} } \\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, 1)
if :math:`s = \\mathbb{V}(\\mathbf{X})` is known or if :math:`n \\gg 30`, otherwise :math:`t \\sim \\mathcal{T}_{n - 1}`,
a Student distribution with :math:`n-1` degrees of freedom.
In case of a bernoulli distribution, then :math:`s = \\mu(1 - \\mu)`.
:param x: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`.
:type x: :obj:`numpy.array`
:param mu: Theoretical mean to be evaluated in the null hypothesis, defaults to 0.
:type mu: :obj:`int`, optional
:param alpha: Confidence level, defaults to 0.05.
:type alpha: :obj:`float`, optional
:param is_bernoulli: Input value follows a Bernoulli distribution, i.e. :math:`\\mathbf{X} \\sim \\mathcal{B}(p)` with :math:`p \\in [0, 1]`, defaults to False.
:type is_bernoulli: :obj:`bool`, optional
:param two_sided: Perform a two-sided test, defaults to True.
:type two_sided: :obj:`bool`, optional
:param return_tuple: Return a tuple with t statistic, critical value and p-value, defaults to False.
:type return_tuple: :obj:`bool`, optional
>>> from statinf import stats
>>> stats.ttest([30.02, 29.99, 30.11, 29.97, 30.01, 29.99], mu=30)
... +------------------------------------------------------------+
... | One Sample Student test |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... | df | Critical value | T-value | p-value | H0 |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... | 5 | 2.5705818366 | 0.7392961 | 0.49295 | True |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... * Confidence level is 95.0%, we need p > 0.025 for two-sided test
... * We cannot reject the hypothesis H0: X_bar = 30
:reference: * DeGroot, M. H., & Schervish, M. J. (2012). Probability and statistics. Pearson Education.
* Student. (1908). The probable error of a mean. Biometrika, 1-25.
:return: Summary for the test or tuple statistic, critical value, p-value.
:rtype: :obj:`str` or :obj:`tuple`
# Define test degrees of freedom
if two_sided:
quant_order = 1 - (alpha / 2)
h0 = f'X_bar = {mu}'
h1 = f'X_bar != {mu}'
quant_order = 1 - alpha
h0 = f'X_bar <= {mu}'
h1 = f'X_bar > {mu}'
# Input vector as array
x = np.asarray(x)
# Sample size
n = len(x)
# Empirical mean
x_bar = x.mean()
# s estimator (variance)
if is_bernoulli:
s2 = x_bar * (1 - x_bar)
s2 = desc.var(x)
# Degrees of freedom
df = n - 1
# T statistic
t = (x_bar - mu) / (math.sqrt(s2 / n))
if two_sided:
t = math.fabs(t)
# p and critical values
p = 2.0 * (1.0 - scp.t.cdf(t, df=df))
if n > 30:
cv = scp.norm.ppf(quant_order)
cv = scp.t.ppf(quant_order, df=df)
_summ = test_summary(df=df, critical_value=cv, t_value=t,
title='One Sample Student test',
h0=h0, h1=h1,
if return_tuple:
return t, cv, p
# 2 samples Student test
[docs]def ttest_2samp(x1, x2, alpha=0.05, paired=False, is_bernoulli=False, two_sided=True, return_tuple=False):
"""Two samples Student's test.
If the samples are independent (:math:`X_{1} \\bot X_{2}`), we test:
.. math:: H_{0}: \\bar{X}_{1} = \\bar{X}_{2} \\text{ against } H_{1}: \\bar{X}_{1} \\neq \\bar{X}_{2}
The test statistic is:
.. math:: t = \\dfrac{\\bar{X}_{1} - \\bar{X}_{2} }{ \\sqrt{ \\dfrac{(n_{1} - 1) s^{2}_{1} + (n_{2} - 1) s^{2}_{2}}{n_{1} + n_{2} - 1} } \\sqrt{\\dfrac{1}{n_{1}} + \\dfrac{1}{n_{2}}} }
* :math:`t \\sim \\mathcal{T}_{n_{1} + n_{2} - 2}`, if :math:`\\mathbf{X} \\sim \\mathcal{N}(\\mu_{X}, \\sigma^{2}_{X})` and :math:`\\mathbf{Y} \\sim \\mathcal{N}(\\mu_{Y}, \\sigma^{2}_{Y})`
* :math:`t \\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, 1)`, if :math:`n_{1} \\gg 30` and :math:`n_{2} \\gg 30`
If samples are paired:
.. math:: H_{0}: \\bar{X}_{1} = \\bar{X}_{2} \\Leftrightarrow \\bar{X}_{1} - \\bar{X}_{2} = 0 \\Leftrightarrow \\bar{X}_{D} = 0
We then compared a one sample test where the tested vector is the difference between both vectors :math:`X_{D} = X_{1} - X_{2}`
for which we compare whether it is equal to 0.
:param x1: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`.
:type x1: :obj:`numpy.array`
:param x2: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`.
:type x2: :obj:`numpy.array`
:param alpha: Confidence level, defaults to 0.05.
:type alpha: :obj:`float`, optional
:param paired: Performs one sample test of the difference if samples are paired, defaults to False.
:type paired: :obj:`bool`, optional
:param is_bernoulli: Input variables follow a Bernoulli distribution, i.e. :math:`\\mathbf{X} \\sim \\mathcal{B}(p)` with :math:`p \\in [0, 1]`, defaults to False.
:type is_bernoulli: :obj:`bool`, optional
:param two_sided: Perform a two-sided test, defaults to True.
:type two_sided: :obj:`bool`, optional
:param return_tuple: Return a tuple with t statistic, critical value and p-value, defaults to False.
:type return_tuple: :obj:`bool`, optional
>>> from statinf import stats
>>> a = [30.02, 29.99, 30.11, 29.97, 30.01, 29.99]
>>> b = [29.89, 29.93, 29.72, 29.98, 30.02, 29.98]
>>> stats.ttest_2samp(a, b)
... +------------------------------------------------------------+
... | Two Samples Student test |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... | df | Critical value | T-value | p-value | H0 |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... | 10 | -1.8124611228 | 1.1310325 | 0.28444 | True |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... * Confidence level is 95.0%, we need p > 0.05
... * We cannot reject the hypothesis H0: X1 = X2
... * Samples with unequal variances
... * Same sample sizes
:reference: * DeGroot, M. H., & Schervish, M. J. (2012). Probability and statistics. Pearson Education.
* Student. (1908). The probable error of a mean. Biometrika, 1-25.
:return: Summary for the test or tuple statistic, critical value, p-value.
:rtype: :obj:`str` or :obj:`tuple`
x = np.asarray(x1)
y = np.asarray(x2)
# Define test degrees of freedom
if two_sided:
quant_order = 1 - (alpha / 2)
h0 = 'X1_bar = X2_bar'
h1 = 'X1_bar != X2_bar'
quant_order = 1 - alpha
h0 = 'X1 <= X2'
h1 = 'X1 > X2'
# Sample sizes
n1, n2 = len(x), len(y)
if paired:
# If samples are paired, we perform a 1-sample student test
# We compare if the difference is different from 0.
mean1, mean2 = x.mean(), y.mean()
d = x - y
t, cv, p = ttest(d, alpha=alpha, return_tuple=True)
df = len(d)
# Else samples are independent
# Compute means
mean1, mean2 = x.mean(), y.mean()
# Compute standard deviations
if is_bernoulli:
s1 = mean1 * (1 - mean1)
s2 = mean2 * (1 - mean2)
s1 = desc.var(x)
s2 = desc.var(y)
# Compute grouped variance
sd = np.sqrt(((n1 - 1) * s1 + (n2 - 1) * s2) / (n1 + n2 - 2))
# Degrees of freedom
df = n1 + n2 - 2
# Calculate the t statistic
t = (mean1 - mean2) / sd
# calculate the critical value
cv = scp.t.ppf(quant_order, df)
# calculate the p-value
if (n1 > 30) & (n2 > 30):
p = 2.0 * (1.0 - scp.norm.cdf(math.fabs(t)))
p = 2.0 * (1.0 - scp.t.cdf(math.fabs(t), df=df))
extra = f" * E(X1) = {round(mean1, 3)} and E(X2) = {round(mean2, 3)} \n"
extra += " * Performed test for paired samples \n" if paired else ''
extra += " * Large sample sizes, t ~ N(0, 1) from CLT" if (n1 > 30) & (n2 > 30) else ' * Small sample sizes, assumed t ~ T(n-1)'
_summ = test_summary(df=df, critical_value=cv, t_value=t,
title='Two Samples Student test',
h0=h0, h1=h1,
if return_tuple:
return t, cv, p
# Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
[docs]def kstest(x1, x2='normal', alpha=0.05, return_tuple=False, **kwargs):
"""Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for sample tests.
We test if two samples come from the same distribution :math:`H_{0}: F(x) = G(x)` against :math:`H_{1}: F(x)` follows a distribution that :math:`G(x)`.
The statistic is:
.. math:: D_{mn} = \\sup_{-\\infty < x < + \\infty} |F_{n}(x) - G_{m}(x)|
and the critical value is given by:
.. math:: c = \\mathbb{P} \\left[ \\left( \\dfrac{mn}{n + m} \\right)^{2} D_{mn} < K_{\\alpha} \\right]
where :math:`K_{\\alpha}` represents the quantile of order :math:`\\alpha` from a Kolmogorov distribution.
This test is an alternative to the :math:`\\chi^{2}`-test where we compare two distributions.
By comparing an unknown empirical distribution :math:`F_{n}` with a distribution :math:`G_{n}` pulled from a known function, we can assess whether :math:`F_{n}` follows the same distribution as :math:`G_{n}`.
For instance, when comparing :math:`F_{n}` (unknown) to :math:`G_{n} \\sim \\mathcal{N}(\\mu, \\sigma^{2})`,
not rejecting :math:`H_{0}` would mean that we cannot reject the hypothesis that :math:`F_{n} \\sim \\mathcal{N}(\\mu, \\sigma^{2})`.
:param x1: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`.
:type x1: :obj:`numpy.array`
:param x2: Sample to be compared. Can be external empirical sample in the same format as :obj:`x1` or the name of a cdf which can be 'normal', 'beta', 'gamma', 'poisson', 'chisquare', 'exponential', 'gamma', defaults to 'normal'.
:type x2: :obj:`str`, optional
:param alpha: Confidence level, defaults to 0.05.
:type alpha: :obj:`float`, optional
:param return_tuple: Return a tuple with K statistic, critical value and p-value, defaults to False.
:type return_tuple: :obj:`bool`, optional
>>> from statinf import stats
>>> import numpy as np
>>> stats.kstest(np.random.normal(size=100))
... +------------------------------------------------------------+
... | Kolmogorov-Smirnov test |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... | D value | Critical value | K-value | p-value | H0 |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... | 0.09 | 1.35809863932 | 0.6363961 | 0.81275 | True |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... * We cannot reject the hypothesis H0: F(x) ~ normal
... * Confidence level is 95.0%, we need p > 0.05
:reference: * DeGroot, M. H., & Schervish, M. J. (2012). Probability and statistics. Pearson Education.
* Kolmogorov-Smirnov, A. N., Kolmogorov, A., & Kolmogorov, M. (1933). Sulla determinazione empírica di uma legge di distribuzione.
* Marsaglia, G., Tsang, W. W., & Wang, J. (2003). `Evaluating Kolmogorov's distribution <>`_. Journal of Statistical Software, 8(18), 1-4.
:return: Summary for the test or tuple statistic, critical value, p-value.
:rtype: :obj:`str` or :obj:`tuple`
quant_order = 1 - alpha
# Format x1
x = np.asarray(x1)
n = len(x)
if type(x2) == str:
h0 = f"F(x) ~ {x2}"
h1 = f"F(x) is not {x2}"
if x2.lower() in ['normal', 'norm', 'gaussian', 'gauss']:
y = np.random.normal(size=n, **kwargs)
elif x2.lower() in ['beta']:
y = np.random.beta(size=n, **kwargs)
elif x2.lower() in ['gamma']:
y = np.random.gamma(size=n, **kwargs)
elif x2.lower() in ['poisson']:
y = np.random.poisson(size=n, **kwargs)
elif x2.lower() in ['chisquare', 'chi-square', 'chi2', 'x2']:
y = np.random.chisquare(size=n, **kwargs)
elif x2.lower() in ['exponential', 'expo']:
y = np.random.exponential(size=n, **kwargs)
elif x2.lower() in ['gumbel']:
y = np.random.gumbel(size=n, **kwargs)
raise ValueError('cdf value for x2 is not valid.')
y = np.asarray(x2)
h0 = "F(x) = G(x)"
h1 = "F(x) and G(x) have different distributions"
# Sample sizes
m = len(y)
# Sort values and concatenate to one array
x_sort = np.sort(x)
y_sort = np.sort(y)
concat_data = np.concatenate([x_sort, y_sort])
# Build sort distributions to compute the max deviance
cdf1 = np.searchsorted(x_sort, concat_data, side='right') / float(n)
cdf2 = (np.searchsorted(y_sort, concat_data, side='right')) / float(m)
# Find the max deviance
d = np.max(np.absolute(cdf1 - cdf2))
# Compute K value
k = d * math.sqrt((n * m) / (n + m))
cv = scp.kstwobign.ppf(quant_order)
p = 1.0 - scp.kstwobign.cdf(math.fabs(k))
_summ = test_summary(df=n, critical_value=cv, t_value=k,
p_value=p, alpha=alpha,
title='Kolmogorov-Smirnov test',
h0=h0, h1=h1,
extra=f' * The D-value is: {round(d, 5)}')
if return_tuple:
return k, cv, p
# Wilcoxon test
[docs]def wilcoxon(x, y=None, alpha=0.05, alternative='two-sided', mode='auto', zero_method='wilcox', return_tuple=False):
"""Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
:param x: First sample to compare. If `y` is not provided, will correspond to the difference :math:`x - y`.
:type x: :obj:`numpy.array`
:param y: Second sample to compare, defaults to None.
:type y: :obj:`numpy.array`, optional
:param alpha: Confidence level, defaults to 0.05.
:type alpha: :obj:`float``, optional
:param alternative: Perform a one or two-sided test. Values can be `two-sided`, `greater`, `less`, defaults to 'two-sided'.
:type alternative: :obj:`str`, optional
:param mode: Method to calculate the p-value. Computes the exact distribution is sample size is less than 25, otherwise uses normal approximation. Values can be `auto`, `approx` or `exact`, defaults to 'auto'.
:type mode: :obj:`str`, optional
:param zero_method: Method to handle the zero differences., defaults to 'wilcox'
:type zero_method: :obj:`str`, optional
:param return_tuple: Return a tuple with t statistic, critical value and p-value, defaults to False.
:type return_tuple: :obj:`bool`, optional
>>> from statinf import stats
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.random.poisson(2, size=100)
>>> y = x_dist + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=100)
>>> stats.wilcoxon(x, y)
... +------------------------------------------------------------+
... | Wilcoxon test |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... | df | Critical value | Stat value | p-value | H0 |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... | 100 | 1.9599639845 | -1.316878 | 0.18788 | True |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... * We cannot reject H0: x - y ~ symmetric distribution centered in 0
... * The T-value is: 2142.0
:reference: * Wilcoxon, F., Individual Comparisons by Ranking Methods, Biometrics Bulletin, Vol. 1, 1945, pp. 80-83.
* Cureton, E.E., The Normal Approximation to the Signed-Rank Sampling Distribution When Zero Differences are Present, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 62, 1967, pp. 1068-1069.
:return: Summary for the test or tuple statistic, critical value, p-value.
:rtype: :obj:`tuple`
# Code mostly inspired from:
# Define test degrees of freedom
if alternative == 'two-sided':
quant_order = 1 - (alpha / 2)
h0 = 'x - y ~ symmetric distribution centered in 0'
h1 = 'x - y is not a symmetric distribution centered in 0'
quant_order = 1 - alpha
h0 = 'x - y ~ symmetric distribution centered in 0'
h1 = 'x - y is not a symmetric distribution centered in 0'
if y is None:
# If y is not provided, we consider x already corresponds to x - y
d = format_object(x, to_type='array', name='x')
x = format_object(x, to_type='array', name='x')
y = format_object(y, to_type='array', name='y')
d = x - y
if mode == "auto":
if len(d) <= 25:
mode = "exact"
mode = "approx"
n_zero = np.sum(d == 0)
if n_zero > 0:
mode = "approx"
warnings.warn("Found some ties, switching mode to 'approx.'")
if mode == "approx":
if zero_method in ["wilcox", "pratt"]:
if n_zero == len(d):
raise ValueError("zero_method 'wilcox' and 'pratt' do not "
"work if x - y is zero for all elements.")
if zero_method == "wilcox":
# Keep all non-zero differences
# d = compress(np.not_equal(d, 0), d)
d = np.array([_d for _d in d if _d != 0])
count = len(d)
if count < 10 and mode == "approx":
ValueError(f"Sample size is too small for normal approximation, got n={count}.")
r = scp.rankdata(abs(d))
r_plus = np.sum((d > 0) * r)
r_minus = np.sum((d < 0) * r)
if alternative == "two-sided":
T = min(r_plus, r_minus)
T = r_plus
# Estimation with approximation (dim < 25)
if mode == "approx":
mn = count * (count + 1.) * 0.25
se = count * (count + 1.) * (2. * count + 1.)
if zero_method == "pratt":
r = r[d != 0]
# normal approximation needs to be adjusted, see Cureton (1967)
mn -= n_zero * (n_zero + 1.) * 0.25
se -= n_zero * (n_zero + 1.) * (2. * n_zero + 1.)
_, repnum = scp.find_repeats(r)
if repnum.size != 0:
# Correction for repeated elements.
se -= 0.5 * (repnum * (repnum * repnum - 1)).sum()
se = math.sqrt(se / 24)
# apply continuity correction if applicable
d = 0
# compute statistic and p-value using normal approximation
z = (T - mn - d) / se
if alternative == "two-sided":
p = 2. * scp.norm.sf(abs(z))
elif alternative == "greater":
# large T = r_plus indicates x is greater than y; i.e.
# accept alternative in that case and return small p-value (sf)
p = scp.norm.sf(z)
p = scp.norm.cdf(z)
# Exact estimation
elif mode == "exact":
# Get frequencies cnt of the possible positive ranksums r_plus
cnt = scp._hypotests._get_wilcoxon_distr(count)
# Note: r_plus is int (ties not allowed), need int for slices below
r_plus = int(r_plus)
if alternative == "two-sided":
if r_plus == (len(cnt) - 1) // 2:
# r_plus is the center of the distribution.
p = 1.0
p_less = np.sum(cnt[:r_plus + 1]) / 2**count
p_greater = np.sum(cnt[r_plus:]) / 2**count
p = 2 * min(p_greater, p_less)
elif alternative == "greater":
p = np.sum(cnt[r_plus:]) / 2**count
p = np.sum(cnt[:r_plus + 1]) / 2**count
cv = scp.norm.ppf(quant_order)
_summ = test_summary(df=count, critical_value=cv, t_value=z,
p_value=p, alpha=alpha,
title='Wilcoxon test',
h0=h0, h1=h1,
extra=f' * The T-value is: {round(T, 5)}')
if return_tuple:
return z, cv, p
[docs]def dispersion_test(x, alpha=0.05, two_sided=True, return_tuple=False):
"""Dispersion test for count data.
In the two-sided setup, we aim at testing:
.. math:: H_{0}: \\mathbb{E}(X) = \\mathbb{V}(X) \\text{ against } H_{1}: \\mathbb{E}(X) \\neq \\mathbb{V}(X)
The p-value is computed as:
.. math:: \\mathbb{P}(T \\leq t \\mid H_{0} \\text{ holds})
with, under :math:`H_{0}`:
.. math:: t = \\dfrac{\\dfrac{1}{n-1} \\sum_{i=1}^{n} (X_i - \\bar{X})^2 - \\bar{X}}{\\sqrt{\\dfrac{2}{n-1}} \\bar{X}} \\sim \\chi^2_{n-1}
:param x: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`.
:type x: :obj:`numpy.array`
:param alpha: Confidence level, defaults to 0.05.
:type alpha: :obj:`float`, optional
:param two_sided: Perform a two-sided test, defaults to True.
:type two_sided: :obj:`bool`, optional
:param return_tuple: Return a tuple with t statistic, critical value and p-value, defaults to False.
:type return_tuple: :obj:`bool`, optional
>>> from statinf import stats
>>> stats.dispersion_test([36, 31, 39, 25, 40, 36, 30, 36, 27, 35, 28, 37, 39, 39, 30])
... +------------------------------------------------------------+
... | Dispersion test |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... | df | Critical value | T-value | p-value | H0 |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... | 15 | 26.118948045 | -0.7499767 | 0.0 | False |
... +------------+----------------+------------+---------+-------+
... * We reject H0, hence E(X) != V(X)
... * E(X) = 33.87
... * V(X) = 22.65
:reference: * Böhning, D. (1994). A note on a test for Poisson overdispersion. Biometrika, 81(2), 418-419.
* de Oliveira, J. T. (1965). Some elementary tests of mixtures of discrete distributions. Classical and contagious discrete distributions, 379-384.
:return: Summary for the test or tuple statistic, critical value, p-value.
:rtype: :obj:`str` or :obj:`tuple`
# Define test degrees of freedom
if two_sided:
quant_order = 1 - (alpha / 2)
h0 = 'E(X) = V(X)'
h1 = 'E(X) != V(X)'
quant_order = 1 - alpha
h0 = 'E(X) <= V(X)'
h1 = 'E(X) > V(X)'
# Input vector as array
x = np.asarray(x)
# Sample size
n = len(x)
# Compute empirical mean to estimate \lambda
x_bar = x.mean()
# Compute empirical variance
S_2 = np.array([(i - x_bar)**2 for i in x]).sum()
# Test statistic's numerator
_num = 1 / (n - 1)
_num *= S_2
_num -= x_bar
# Test statistic's denominator
_denom = np.sqrt(2 / (n - 1))
_denom *= x_bar
# Test statistic
t = _num / _denom
cv = scp.chi2.ppf(quant_order, df=n - 1)
p = scp.chi2.cdf(t, df=n - 1)
extra = f" * E(X) = {x.mean():.2f}\n * V(X) = {x.var():.2f}"
_summ = test_summary(df=n, critical_value=cv, t_value=t,
p_value=p, alpha=alpha,
title='Dispersion test',
h0=h0, h1=h1, extra=extra)
if return_tuple:
return t, cv, p