Source code for statinf.stats.descriptive

import numpy as np
from import rankdata

# ##### Variance

[docs]def var(x, std=False, df=1): """Compute the variance of a variable. :param x: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`. :type x: :obj:`numpy.array` :param std: Returns standard deviation, i.e. :math:`\\sqrt{\\mathbb{V}(\\mathbf{X})}`, defauls to False. :type std: :obj:`bool`, optional :param df: Degrees of freedom, defaults to 1. :type df: :obj:`int`, optional :formula: .. math:: \\mathbb{V}(\\mathbf{X}) = \\dfrac{1}{n - 1} \\sum_{i = 1}^{n} (X_{i} - \\bar{X})^{2} :example: >>> from statinf import stats >>> x = [0.023699, 0.021436, 0.0200109, 0.0202762, 0.0165271, 0.01027] >>> stats.var(x) ... 2.2492979044000003e-05 :return: Variance. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ x = np.asarray(x) n = len(x) x_bar = x.mean() s2 = ((x - x_bar) ** 2).sum() / (n-df) if std: return np.sqrt(s2) else: return s2
# ##### Covariance
[docs]def cov(x, y): """Compute the covariance between two variables. :param x: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`. :type x: :obj:`numpy.array` :param y: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`. :type y: :obj:`numpy.array` :formula: .. math:: Cov(\\mathbf{X}, \\mathbf{Y}) = \\dfrac{ \\sum_{i = 1}^{n} (X_{i} - \\bar{X}) (Y_{i} - \\bar{Y}) }{n - 1} :example: >>> from statinf import stats >>> x = [0.023699, 0.021436, 0.0200109, 0.0202762, 0.0165271, 0.01027] >>> y = [9.4228, 9.27951, 9.167963, 9.68820, 9.56490, 7.543] >>> stats.cov(x, y) ... 0.003047229298620001 :reference: * DeGroot, M. H., & Schervish, M. J. (2012). Probability and statistics. Pearson Education. :return: Covariance value. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) x - x.mean() y - y.mean() x_xbar = x - x.mean() y_ybar = y - y.mean() num = (x_xbar * y_ybar).sum() cov = num / (len(x) - 1) return cov
# ##### Pearson's correlation coefficient
[docs]def pearson(x, y): """Compute the Pearson's coefficient correlation :param x: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`. :type x: :obj:`numpy.array` :param y: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`. :type y: :obj:`numpy.array` :formula: .. math:: \\rho = \\dfrac{ Cov(X, Y) }{\\sigma_{X} \\sigma_{Y}} where :math:`\\sigma_{Z} = \\sqrt{\\mathbb{V}(Z)}` :example: >>> from statinf import stats >>> x = [0.023699, 0.021436, 0.0200109, 0.0202762, 0.0165271, 0.01027] >>> y = [9.4228, 9.27951, 9.167963, 9.68820, 9.56490, 7.543] >>> stats.pearson(x, y) ... 0.9750052703452801 :reference: * DeGroot, M. H., & Schervish, M. J. (2012). Probability and statistics. Pearson Education. :return: Pearson's coefficient correlation. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) cv = cov(x, y) stdx = x.std() stdy = y.std() return cv / (stdx * stdy)
# ##### Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
[docs]def spearman(x, y): """Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. :param x: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`. :type x: :obj:`numpy.array` :param y: Input variable. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`. :type y: :obj:`numpy.array` :formula: .. math:: \\rho = 1 - \\dfrac{ 6 \\sum_{i=1}^{n} d^{2} }{ n (n^{2} - 1)} :example: >>> from statinf import stats >>> x = [0.023699, 0.021436, 0.0200109, 0.0202762, 0.0165271, 0.01027] >>> y = [9.4228, 9.27951, 9.167963, 9.68820, 9.56490, 7.543] >>> stats.spearman(x, y) ... 0.37142857142857144 :return: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ n = len(x) rk_x = rankdata(x) rk_y = rankdata(y) d = (rk_y - rk_x) ** 2 rho = 1 - (6 * d.sum()) / (n * (n ** 2 - 1)) return rho