Source code for statinf.regressions.glm

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math
import warnings
import scipy.stats as scp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import init_params
from import logit

from import parse_formula
from ..misc import ConvergenceWarning, summary, get_significance
# from .glm_test import GLM

# TODO: HC covariance
# TODO: check probit

[docs]class GLM: def __init__(self, formula, data, family='binomial', fit_intercept=False, initializer='zeros'): """Generalized Linear Model implemented with Newton-Raphson's method. :param formula: Regression formula to be run of the form :obj:`y ~ x1 + x2`. See :py:meth:``. :type formula: :obj:`str` :param data: Input data with Pandas format. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` :param family: Family distribution of the dependent variable, defaults to binomial. :type family: :obj:`str`, optional :param fit_intercept: Used for adding intercept in the regression formula, defaults to False. :type fit_intercept: :obj:`bool`, optional :param initializer: Method for initializing the first parameters (see :py:meth:``), defaults to 'zeros'. :type initializer: :obj:`str`, optional .. note:: The modules allows Binomial (for Logit) and Gaussian (for Probit) distributions. It will soon be extended to other distributions. """ # Parse the formula self.df, self.X_col, self.Y_col = parse_formula(data=data, formula=formula, check_values=True, return_all=True) self.formula = formula self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.n = self.df.shape[0] self.p = len(self.X_col) + 1 if fit_intercept else len(self.X_col) self.X = self.df[self.X_col].to_numpy() self.Y = np.array(self.df[self.Y_col].values).reshape(self.n, 1) self.cov_type = 'nonrobust' = family self.log_likelihood = np.Inf self.log_likelihood_hist = [] self.gradient_hist = [] self.variance_hist = [] self.coefs_hist = [] self.hessian_hist = [] # Initialize parameters self.beta = init_params(rows=self.p, cols=1, method=initializer) def _get_X(self, new_data=None): """Function to process data (and append unit variable if fit_intercept) :param new_data: Data to transform, defaults to None (gets train data provided in __init__). :type new_data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional :return: Formatted data :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` """ if new_data is None: X = self.X else: # If new_data, parse the formula to get transformations df = parse_formula(data=new_data, formula=self.formula, check_values=True) X = df[self.X_col].to_numpy() # If fit_intercept, append unit variable if self.fit_intercept: X = np.hstack((np.ones((self.n, 1), dtype=self.X.dtype), self.X)) return X def _prob(self, X): """ Prob """ if == 'binomial': prob = logit(X, weights=self.beta) # ( elif == 'gaussian': prob = scp.norm.cdf(, loc=0, scale=1) else: raise ValueError('Family distribution is not valid.') return prob def _log_likelihood(self, X=None, Y=None): """ Compute Log-Likelihood """ X_data = self._get_X() if X is None else X Y_data = self.Y if Y is None else Y # Individual log-likelihood log_likelihood_id = np.array(Y_data * np.log(self._prob(X_data)) + (1 - Y_data) * np.log(1 - self._prob(X_data))) # Overall log-likelihood log_likelihood = log_likelihood_id.sum() return log_likelihood def _gradient(self): """ Gradient (Overall) not the score function """ X = self._get_X() gradient = - self.Y)) / self.n # gradient of the likelihood return gradient def _hessian(self): """ Hessian - Fisher Information """ X = self._get_X() pi = self._prob(X) S = np.multiply(pi, (1 - pi)) * np.identity(self.n) hessian = (1 / self.n) * return hessian def _sandwich(self): X = self._get_X() pi = self._prob(X) res_2 = (self.Y - pi)**2 * np.identity(self.n) XX_1 = np.linalg.inv( Xres_2X = _sand = return _sand
[docs] def variance(self, cov_type='nonrobust'): """Compute the covariance matrix for the fitted model. :param cov_type: Type of the covariance matrix, defaults to nonrobust. :type cov_type: :obj:`str`, optional :formulae: * **Non-robust covariance matrix**: .. math:: \\sigma_{\\beta} = {(X'SX)}^{-1} * **Sandwich covariance matrix**: .. math:: \\sigma_{\\beta} = {(X'X)}^{-1} (X'\\hat{S}X) {(X'X)}^{-1} with :math:`S = \\text{diag}(\\hat{p}_i(1 - \\hat{p}_i))` and :math:`\\hat{S} = \\text{diag} \\left( (Y_i - \\hat{p}_i)^{2} \\right)` .. note:: Only non-robust covariance matrix is currently available. Sandwich estimate and :math:`HC0`, :math:`HC1`, :math:`HC2`, :math:`HC3` will soon be implemented. :return: Fisher information matrix :rtype: :obj:`numpy.array` """ self.cov_type = cov_type if self.cov_type == 'nonrobust': # Uses Fisher information matrix _variance = np.linalg.inv(self._hessian()) # elif self.cov_type == 'sandwich': # _variance = self._sandwich() else: error_msg = f"""Value for cov_type not valid. Got '{self.cov_type}'. Please chose 'nonrobust'. """ raise ValueError(error_msg) return np.array(_variance)
def _std_errors(self): """Compute the covariance matrix used for standard errors """ _variance = self.variance() _std = np.sqrt((1 / self.n) * np.diag(_variance)) return np.array(_std).reshape(self.p, 1)
[docs] def fit(self, maxit=15, cov_type='nonrobust', improvement_threshold=0.0005, keep_hist=True, plot=False): """Fits the GLM regression model using Newton-Raphson method. :param maxit: Maximum number of iterations, defaults to 15. :type maxit: :obj:`int`, optional :param cov_type: Type of the covariance matrix (non-robust or sandwich), defaults to nonrobust. :type cov_type: :obj:`str`, optional :param improvement_threshold: Threshold from which we consider the likelihood improved, defaults to 0.0005. :type improvement_threshold: :obj:`float`, optional :param keep_hist: Keeps training history (gradients, hessian, etc...), can be turned off for saving memory, defaults to True. :type keep_hist: :obj:`bool`, optional :param plot: Plots evolution of log-likelihood through the different iterations (requires :obj:`keep_hist = True`), defaults to False. :type plot: :obj:`bool`, optional :formulae: * **Log-likelihood**: .. math:: l(\\beta) = y_{i} \\log \\left[ G(\\mathbf{x_i} \\beta) \\right] + (1 - y_{i}) \\log \\left[1 - G(\\mathbf{x_i} \\beta) \\right] * **Newton's method**: .. math:: \\hat{\\beta}_{s+1} = \\hat{\\beta}_{s} - H^{-1}_{s} G_{s} with .. math:: G_{s} = \\dfrac{\\partial}{\\partial \\beta_{s}} l(\\beta) = \\sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i (y_{i} - G(x_{i} \\beta)) and .. math:: H_{s} = \\dfrac{\\partial^2}{\\partial \\beta_{s}^2} l(\\beta) = X'S_{s}X where :math:`S = \\text{diag} \\left( (Y_i - \\hat{p}_i)^{2} \\right)` and :math:`G` denotes the link function (:py:meth:`` for logit or gaussian c.d.f for probit). :references: * Wooldridge, J. M. (2010). Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data. * Cameron, A. C., & Trivedi, P. K. (2005). Microeconometrics: methods and applications. Cambridge university press. * McCullagh, P. (2018). Generalized linear models. Routledge. """ self.cov_type = cov_type.lower() = 0 diff = np.inf old_log_like = np.inf while ( < maxit) and (np.abs(diff) >= improvement_threshold): += 1 log_like = self._log_likelihood() gradient = self._gradient() variance = self.variance(cov_type=cov_type.lower()) self.beta -= diff = old_log_like - log_like old_log_like = log_like if keep_hist: self.log_likelihood = log_like self.log_likelihood_hist.append(log_like) self.gradient_hist.append(gradient) self.variance_hist.append(variance) # Check whether convergence was reached self.converged = np.abs(diff) < improvement_threshold if (self.converged is False) or (math.isnan(log_like)): warnings.warn('Model did not converge.', ConvergenceWarning) if plot: # Plot the training and test loss plt.title('GLM training history', loc='center') plt.plot(self.log_likelihood_hist, label='Log-likelihood') # plt.plot(self.test_losses, label='Test loss') plt.legend()
[docs] def r_squared(self): """Mc Fadden's pseudo-:math:`R^{2}` -- Goodness of fit :formula: .. math:: R^{2} = 1 - \\dfrac{LL(\\hat{\\beta})}{LL(\\bar{Y})} :return: Goodness of fit. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ null_mod = self.__class__(formula=f'{self.Y_col} ~ 1', data=self.df) _r2 = 1 - self._log_likelihood() / null_mod._log_likelihood() self.r_squared = _r2 return _r2
[docs] def adjusted_r_squared(self): """Mc Fadden's pseudo-:math:`R^{2}` adjusted -- Adjusted goodness of fit :formula: .. math:: R^{2}_{adj} = 1 - \\dfrac{LL(\\hat{\\beta}) - p}{LL(\\bar{Y})} :return: Adjusted goodness of fit. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ null_mod = self.__class__(formula=f'{self.Y_col} ~ 1', data=self.df) ar2 = 1 - (self._log_likelihood() - self.p) / null_mod._log_likelihood() self.adjusted_r_squared = ar2 return ar2
[docs] def summary(self, return_df=False): """Statistical summary for GLM model :param return_df: Return the summary as a Pandas DataFrame, else returns a string, defaults to False. :type return_df: :obj:`bool` :formulae: * **Mc Fadden's** :math:`R^{2}`: .. math:: R^{2} = 1 - \\dfrac{LL(\\hat{\\beta})}{LL(\\bar{Y})} where :math:`LL` represents the log-likelihood. :references: * Student. (1908). The probable error of a mean. Biometrika, 1-25. * Wooldridge, J. M. (2016). `Introductory econometrics: A modern approach <>`_. Nelson Education. * Agresti, A. (2003). Categorical data analysis (Vol. 482). John Wiley & Sons. * Murphy, K. P. (2012). Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press. :return: Model's summary. :rtype: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` or :obj:`str` """ # Fit model if not already done if self.log_likelihood_hist == []: # Initialize betas = self.beta X = self._get_X() t_values = betas / self._std_errors() p_values = [round(2 * (1 - scp.t.cdf(np.abs(i[0]), (len(X) - 1))), 5) for i in t_values] z = scp.norm.ppf(0.975) betas = [b[0] for b in self.beta] t_values = [t[0] for t in t_values] summary_df = pd.DataFrame() summary_df["Variables"] = ['(Intercept)'] + self.X_col if self.fit_intercept else self.X_col summary_df["Coefficients"] = betas summary_df["Standard Errors"] = self._std_errors() summary_df["t-values"] = t_values summary_df["Probabilities"] = p_values summary_df["Significance"] = summary_df["Probabilities"].map(lambda x: get_significance(x)) summary_df["CI_lo"] = summary_df["Coefficients"] - z * summary_df["Standard Errors"] summary_df["CI_hi"] = summary_df["Coefficients"] + z * summary_df["Standard Errors"] # Null model for null log likelihood null_mod = self.__class__(formula=f'{self.Y_col} ~ 1', data=self.df) # Key metrics for summary _ll = round(self._log_likelihood(), 2) nll = round(null_mod._log_likelihood(), 2) _r2 = round(1 - _ll / nll, 5) ar2 = round(1 - (_ll - self.p) / nll, 5) _n_ = self.n _p_ = self.p _it = _cv = ' True' if self.converged else " False" _ct = ' ' + self.cov_type # Likelihood Ratio test G = 2 * (_ll - nll) lrp = round(scp.chi2.sf(G, self.p), 3) if return_df: return(summary_df) else: max_var = np.max([len(v) for v in summary_df.Variables]) add_sp = ' ' * np.max([max_var - 17, 0]) add_sep = '=' * np.max([max_var - 17, 0]) space = np.max([max_var, 17]) summ = f"============================================================================================================={add_sep}\n" summ += f'| Logit summary {add_sp}|\n' summ += f"============================================================================================================={add_sep}\n" summ += f"| McFadden's R² = {_r2:10} | McFadden's R² Adj. = {ar2:10} {add_sp}|\n" summ += f"| Log-Likelihood = {_ll:10} | Null Log-Likelihood = {nll:10} {add_sp}|\n" summ += f"| LR test p-value = {lrp:10} | Covariance = {_ct:10} {add_sp}|\n" summ += f"| n = {_n_:10} | p = {_p_:10} {add_sp}|\n" summ += f"| Iterations = {_it:10} | Convergence = {_cv:5} {add_sp}|\n" summ += summary(summary_df) print(summ)
[docs] def predict(self, new_data, return_proba=False): """Predicted :math:`\\hat{Y}` values for for a new dataset :param new_data: New data to evaluate with pandas data-frame format. :type new_data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` :param return_proba: Whether to return probabilities or binary values, defaults to False :type return_proba: :obj:`bool`, optional :formula: .. math:: f(X) = \\dfrac{1}{e^{-\\beta X} + 1} :return: Predictions :math:`\\hat{Y}` :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` """ # Fit model if not already done if self.log_likelihood_hist == []: # Tranform data new_X = self._get_X(new_data=new_data) pred = self._prob(new_X) if return_proba: return np.asarray([x[0] for x in pred]) else: return np.asarray([1 if x[0] > 0.5 else 0 for x in pred])
[docs] def partial_effects(self, variables, new_data=None, average=False): """Computes Partial and Average Partial Effects (APE). :param variables: List of variables for which to compute the PE/APE. :type variables: :obj:`list` :param new_data: Data to use for computations, optional, defaults to None (uses training set). :type new_data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` :param average: Whether to compute Average Partial Effects or not, defaults to False. :type average: :obj:`bool`, optional :formula: .. math:: PE(X_{i}) = \\beta_{i} \\dfrac{e^{-\\beta X}}{(e^{-\\beta X} + 1)^{2}} if :obj:`average = True`, :math:`APE = \\bar{PE}` :raises TypeError: If argument :obj:`variables` is neither :obj:`str` nor :obj:`list`. :return: Dictionnary including Partial Effects (PE) or Average Partial Effects (APE). :rtype: :obj:`dict` """ assert == 'binomial', 'APE module only available for Logit model.' # Fit model if not already done if self.log_likelihood_hist == []: # Get data X = self._get_X(new_data) # Get coefficients as a DataFrame (easier to handle for fitlering) if self.fit_intercept: # Append the name of the intercept cols = ['(Intercept)'] + self.X_col else: cols = self.X_col coefs = pd.DataFrame({'Coefficients': [x[0] for x in self.beta]}, index=cols) # Compute exp(bX) exp_bx = np.exp( # Check type for argument variables if type(variables) == str: var = [variables] elif type(variables) == list: var = variables else: raise TypeError('Type for argument variables is not valid.') # Initialize the dictionnary for output pes = {} # Compute PEs (or APEs) for each variable for v in var: b = coefs.Coefficients[v].min() pe = b * exp_bx / ((exp_bx + 1)**2) pe_out = pe.mean() if average else pe pes.update({v: pe_out}) return pes