Source code for statinf.regressions.LinearModels

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats as scp
import pandas as pd
import math
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import parse_formula
from ..misc import summary, get_significance
from ..nonparametrics.kernels import gaussian

# TODO: Add Log-Likehood + AIC + BIC to OLS
# TODO: Add dask for GPU usage
# TODO: Add LinearBayes with sigma unknown @ybendou

[docs]class OLS: def __init__(self, formula, data, fit_intercept=False): """Ordinary Least Squares regression. :param formula: Regression formula to be run of the form :obj:`y ~ x1 + x2`. See :func:`~parse_formula` in `ProcessData </statinf/data/>`_ :type formula: :obj:`str` :param data: Input data with Pandas format. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` :param fit_intercept: Used for adding intercept in the regression formula, defaults to False. :type fit_intercept: :obj:`bool`, optional """ super(OLS, self).__init__() # Parse formula df, self.X_col, self.Y_col = parse_formula(data=data, formula=formula, check_values=True, return_all=True) # self.no_space_formula = formula.replace(' ', '') # self.Y_col = self.no_space_formula.split('~')[0] # self.X_col = self.no_space_formula.split('~')[1].split('+') self.formula = formula # Subset X self.X = df[self.X_col].to_numpy() # Target variable self.Y = df[self.Y_col].to_numpy() # Degrees of freedom of the population self.dft = self.X.shape[0] # Degree of freedom of the residuals self.dfe = self.X.shape[0] - self.X.shape[1] # Size of the population self.n = self.X.shape[0] # Number of explanatory variables / estimates self.p = self.X.shape[1] # Use intercept or only explanatory variables self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept # Beta standard errors for confidence intervals self.std_err = None def _get_X(self): if self.fit_intercept: return(np.hstack((np.ones((self.n, 1), dtype=self.X.dtype), self.X))) else: return(self.X)
[docs] def get_betas(self): """Computes the estimates for each explanatory variable :formula: .. math:: \\beta = (X'X)^{-1} X'Y :return: Estimated coefficients :rtype: :obj:`numpy.array` """ XtX = self._get_X() XtX_1 = np.linalg.inv(XtX) XtY = self._get_X() beta = return(beta)
[docs] def fitted_values(self): """Computes the estimated values of Y :formula: .. math:: \\hat{Y} = X \\beta :return: Fitted values for Y. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.array` """ betas = self.get_betas() Y_hat = np.zeros(len(self.Y)) for i in range(len(betas)): Y_hat += (betas[i] * self._get_X().T[i]) return(Y_hat)
def _get_error(self): """Compute the error term/residuals :formula: .. math:: \\epsilon = Y - \\hat{Y} :return: Estimated residual term. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.array` """ res = self.Y - self.fitted_values() return(res)
[docs] def rss(self): """Residual Sum of Squares :formula: .. math:: RSS = \\sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_{i} - \\hat{y}_{i})^{2} where :math:`y_{i}` denotes the true/observed value of :math:`y` for individual :math:`i` and :math:`\\hat{y}_{i}` denotes the predicted value of :math:`y` for individual :math:`i`. :return: Residual Sum of Squares. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ return((self._get_error()**2).sum())
[docs] def tss(self): """Total Sum of Squares :formula: .. math:: TSS = \\sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_{i} - \\bar{y})^{2} where :math:`y_{i}` denotes the true/observed value of :math:`y` for individual :math:`i` and :math:`\\bar{y}_{i}` denotes the average value of :math:`y`. :return: Total Sum of Squares. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ y_bar = self.Y.mean() total_squared = (self.Y - y_bar) ** 2 return(total_squared.sum())
[docs] def r_squared(self): """:math:`R^{2}` -- Goodness of fit :formula: .. math:: R^{2} = 1 - \\dfrac{RSS}{TSS} :return: Goodness of fit. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ return(1 - self.rss() / self.tss())
[docs] def adjusted_r_squared(self): """Adjusted-:math:`R^{2}` -- Goodness of fit :formula: .. math:: R^{2}_{adj} = 1 - (1 - R^{2}) \\dfrac{n - 1}{n - p - 1} where :math:`p` denotes the number of estimates (i.e. explanatory variables) and :math:`n` the sample size :references: Theil, Henri (1961). Economic Forecasts and Policy. :return: Adjusted goodness of fit. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ adj_r_2 = 1 - (1 - self.r_squared()) * (self.n - 1) / (self.n - self.p - 1) return(adj_r_2)
def _fisher(self): """Fisher test :formula: .. math:: \\mathcal{F} = \\dfrac{TSS - RSS}{\\frac{RSS}{n - p}} where :math:`p` denotes the number of estimates (i.e. explanatory variables) and :math:`n` the sample size :references: Shen, Q., & Faraway, J. (2004). `An F test for linear models with functional responses <>`_. Statistica Sinica, 1239-1257. :return: Value of the :math:`\\mathcal{F}`-statistic. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ MSE = (self.tss() - self.rss()) / (self.p - 1) MSR = self.rss() / self.dfe return(MSE / MSR) def _std_err(self): """Standard error function :formula: .. math:: \\mathbb{V}(\\beta) = \\sigma^{2} X'X where :math:`\\sigma^{2} = \\frac{RSS}{n - p -1}` :return: Standard error of the estimates. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.array` """ X = self._get_X() sigma_2 = (sum((self._get_error())**2)) / (len(X) - len(X[0])) variance_beta = sigma_2 * (np.linalg.inv(, X)).diagonal()) self.std_err = np.sqrt(variance_beta) return self.std_err def _loglikelihood(self): """Standard error function :formula: .. math:: l = \\dfrac{n}{2} \\log{2 \\pi} - \\dfrac{n}{2} \\log{\\dfrac{RSS}{n}} - \\dfrac{n}{2} :return: Log-likelihood. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ _ll = - (self.n / 2) * np.log(2 * math.pi) - (self.n / 2) * np.log(self.rss() / self.n) - (self.n / 2) self.loglikelihood = _ll return _ll def _aic(self, metric='aic'): """Akaike Information Criterion and Bayesian Information Criterion :param metric: Define what metric to return, defaults to 'aic'. :type return_df: :obj:`str` :formula: * AIC: .. math:: AIC = - 2 \\log{L(\\theta)} + 2 p * BIC: .. math:: AIC = - 2 \\log{L(\\theta)} + \\log{n} p where :math:`p` is the number of covariates and :math:`L` the likelihood function. :references: * Cameron, A. C., & Trivedi, P. K. (2009). Microeconometrics using stata (Vol. 5, p. 706). College Station, TX: Stata press. :return: Information criterion. :rtype: :obj:`float` """ self.aic = -2 * self._loglikelihood() + 2 * self.p self.bic = -2 * self._loglikelihood() + np.log(self.n) * self.p if metric.lower() == 'bic': return self.bic else: return self.aic
[docs] def summary(self, return_df=False): """Statistical summary for OLS :param return_df: Return the summary as a Pandas DataFrame, else returns a string, defaults to False. :type return_df: :obj:`bool` :formulae: * Fisher test: .. math:: \\mathcal{F} = \\dfrac{TSS - RSS}{\\frac{RSS}{n - p}} where :math:`p` denotes the number of estimates (i.e. explanatory variables) and :math:`n` the sample size * Covariance matrix: .. math:: \\mathbb{V}(\\beta) = \\sigma^{2} X'X where :math:`\\sigma^{2} = \\frac{RSS}{n - p -1}` * Coefficients' significance: .. math:: p = 2 \\left( 1 - T_{n} \\left( \\dfrac{\\beta}{\\sqrt{\\mathbb{V}(\\beta)}} \\right) \\right) where :math:`T` denotes the Student cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) with :math:`n` degrees of freedom :references: * Student. (1908). The probable error of a mean. Biometrika, 1-25. * Shen, Q., & Faraway, J. (2004). `An F test for linear models with functional responses <>`_. Statistica Sinica, 1239-1257. * Wooldridge, J. M. (2016). `Introductory econometrics: A modern approach <>`_. Nelson Education. * Cameron, A. C., & Trivedi, P. K. (2009). Microeconometrics using stata (Vol. 5, p. 706). College Station, TX: Stata press. :return: Model's summary. :rtype: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` or :obj:`str` """ # Initialize betas = self.get_betas() X = self._get_X() self.std_err = self._std_err() t_values = betas / self.std_err p_values = [2 * (1 - scp.t.cdf(np.abs(i), (len(X) - 1))) for i in t_values] z = norm.ppf(0.975) summary_df = pd.DataFrame() summary_df["Variables"] = ['(Intercept)'] + self.X_col if self.fit_intercept else self.X_col summary_df["Coefficients"] = betas summary_df["Standard Errors"] = self.std_err summary_df["t-values"] = t_values summary_df["Probabilities"] = p_values summary_df["Significance"] = summary_df["Probabilities"].map(lambda x: get_significance(x)) summary_df["CI_lo"] = summary_df["Coefficients"] - z * summary_df["Standard Errors"] summary_df["CI_hi"] = summary_df["Coefficients"] + z * summary_df["Standard Errors"] _r2 = round(self.r_squared(), 5) ar2 = round(self.adjusted_r_squared(), 5) _n_ = self.n _p_ = self.p fis = round(self._fisher(), 3) llf = round(self._loglikelihood(), 3) aic = round(self._aic(), 3) # if return_df: return(summary_df) else: max_var = np.max([len(v) for v in summary_df.Variables]) add_sp = ' ' * np.max([max_var - 17, 0]) add_sep = '=' * np.max([max_var - 17, 0]) summ = f"============================================================================================================={add_sep}\n" summ += f'| OLS summary {add_sp}|\n' summ += f"============================================================================================================={add_sep}\n" summ += f"| n = {_n_:10} | p = {_p_:10} {add_sp}|\n" summ += f"| R² = {_r2:10} | R² Adj. = {ar2:10} {add_sp}|\n" summ += f"| Log-likelihood = {llf:15} | AIC = {aic:10} {add_sp}|\n" summ += f"| Fisher value = {fis:15} | {add_sp}|\n" summ += summary(summary_df) print(summ)
[docs] def predict(self, new_data, conf_level=None): """Predicted :math:`\\hat{Y}` values for for a new dataset :param new_data: New data to evaluate with pandas data-frame format. :type new_data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` :param conf_level: Level of the confidence interval, defaults to None. :type conf_level: :obj:`float` :formulae: .. math:: \\hat{Y} = X \\hat{\\beta} The confidence interval is computed as: .. math:: \\left[ \\hat{Y} \\pm z_{1 - \\frac{\\alpha}{2}} \\dfrac{\\sigma}{\\sqrt{n - 1}} \\right] :return: Predictions :math:`\\hat{Y}` :rtype: :obj:`numpy.array` """ df = parse_formula(data=new_data, formula=self.formula, check_values=True) X_array = df[self.X_col].to_numpy() if self.fit_intercept: new_X = np.hstack((np.ones((df.shape[0], 1), dtype=X_array.dtype), X_array)) else: new_X = X_array y_pred =, self.get_betas()) # No CI required if conf_level is None: pred = y_pred else: assert (conf_level > 0.) & (conf_level < 1.), "Your confidence level needs to be between 0 and 1." # User needs CI if self.std_err is None: _ = self.summary(return_df=True) quant_order = 1 - ((1 - conf_level) / 2) cv = scp.norm.ppf(quant_order) pred = pd.DataFrame({'Prediction': y_pred, 'LowerBound': y_pred - cv * (self.std_err.sum() / np.sqrt(self.n - 1)), 'UpperBound': y_pred + cv * (self.std_err.sum() / np.sqrt(self.n - 1))}) return pred
[docs]class LinearBayes: def __init__(self): """ Class for a bayesian linear regression with **known standard deviation** of the residual distribution. .. warning:: This function is still under development. This is a beta version, please be aware that some functionalitie might not be available. The full stable version soon will be released. :param w_0: mean of the prior distribution of the weights assuming it's a gaussian, default is 0. :type w_0: :obj:`numpy.array` :param V_0: covariance matrix of the prior distribution of the weights, default is the identity matrix. :type V_0: :obj:`numpy.array` :param w_n: mean of the posterior distribution of the weights after observing the data. :type w_n: :obj:`numpy.array` :param V_n: covariance matrix the posterior distribution of the weights after observing the data. :type V_n: :obj:`numpy.array` :references: * Murphy, K. P. (2012). Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. :source: Inspired by: """ self.w_0 = None self.V_0 = None self.w_n = None self.V_n = None
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, true_sigma=None, w_0=None, V_0=None): """ Fits the data using a linear regression model, finds the posterior distribution of the weights given the std of the residuals known. The case with std unknown will be added in the next implementation. :param X: Input data. :type X: :obj:`numpy.array` :param y: Data values. :type y: :obj:`numpy.array` :param true_sigma: Standard error of the residual distribution. :type true_sigma: :obj:`float` :param w_0: Mean of the prior distribution of the weights assuming it's a gaussian, default is 0. :type w_0: :obj:`float` :param V_0: Covariance matrix of the prior distribution of the weights, default is the identity matrix. :type V_0: :obj:`float` """ # Setting a gaussian prior of N(0,1) in case no prior is refered if type(w_0) != np.ndarray and type(w_0) != list: w_0 = np.hstack([0] * (X.shape[1] + 1)) if type(V_0) != np.ndarray and type(V_0) != list: V_0 = np.diag([1] * (X.shape[1] + 1))**2 w_0 = w_0[:, None] # Creating a new column for the bias term phi = np.hstack(( np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X )) assert true_sigma is not None, "Error, please specify a value for true_sigma" sigma_y = true_sigma # True std of the generated data inv_V_0 = np.linalg.inv(V_0) V_n = sigma_y**2 * np.linalg.inv(sigma_y**2 * inv_V_0 + (phi.T @ phi)) w_n = V_n @ inv_V_0 @ w_0 + 1 / (sigma_y**2) * V_n @ phi.T @ y self.w_0 = w_0 self.V_0 = V_0 self.w_n = w_n self.V_n = V_n
[docs] def plot_weight_distributions(self, res=100, xlim=(-8, 8), ylim=(-8, 8)): """ Plots the weight distribution for the prior and the posterior probabilities. :param res: Resolution of the grid, default is 100. :type res: :obj:`int` :param xlim: Tuple of the min and max values of the grid along the x axis, default is (-8,8). :type xlim: :obj:`tuple` :param ylim: Tuple of the min and max values of the grid along the y axis, default is (-8,8). :type ylim: :obj:`tuple` """ x = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], res) y = np.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], res) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) xxyy = np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()] zz_0 = gaussian(xxyy, self.w_0.reshape(1, -1), self.V_0).reshape(1, -1)[0].round(15) zz_n = gaussian(xxyy, self.w_n.reshape(1, -1), self.V_n).reshape(1, -1)[0].round(15) zz_0[zz_0 == 0] = np.nan zz_n[zz_n == 0] = np.nan # reshape and plot image img_0 = zz_0.reshape(res, res) img_n = zz_n.reshape(res, res) plt.contourf(xx, yy, img_0, alpha=0.5, plt.contourf(xx, yy, img_n, alpha=0.5, plt.title('Posterior and prior distributions of the weights')
[docs] def plot_posterior_line(self, X, y, n_lines=200, res=100, xlim=(-1, 10)): """ Plots the model's distribution sampled from the posterior distribution of the weights. :param X: Input data. :type X: :obj:`numpy.array` :param y: Data values. :type y: :obj:`numpy.array` :param n_lines: Number of lines sampled from the posterior distribution, default is 200. :type n_lines: :obj:`int` :param res: Resolution of the grid, default is 100. :type res: :obj:`int` :param xlim: Tuple of the min and max values of the grid along the x axis, default is (-1,10). :type xlim: :obj:`tuple` """ w_posterior = np.random.randn(n_lines, self.w_n.shape[0]) @ self.V_n + self.w_n.reshape(1, -1) X_grid = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], res) X_grid = np.vstack(( np.ones(X_grid.shape[0]), X_grid )).T y_posterior = X_grid @ w_posterior.T plt.fill_between(X_grid[:, 1], y_posterior.min(axis=1), y_posterior.max(axis=1), alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(X, y) plt.title(f'{n_lines} lines sampled from the posterior distribution after including the data')