Source code for

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import warnings
from types import SimpleNamespace

# Ranking data

[docs]def rankdata(x): """Assigns rank to data. This is mainly used for analysis like Spearman's correlation. :param x: Input vector. Format can be :obj:`numpy.array`, :obj:`list` or :obj:`pandas.Series`. :type x: :obj:`numpy.array` :example: >>> rankdata([2., 5.44, 3.93, 3.3, 1.1]) ... array([1, 4, 3, 2, 0]) :return: Vector with ranked values. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.array` """ x_arr = np.asarray(x) sorted_array = sorted(x_arr) rk = [sorted_array.index(i) for i in x_arr] return np.array(rk)
####################################################################################################################### # Parse formula and data transformations
[docs]def parse_formula(formula, data, check_values=True, return_all=False): """This function is used in regression models in order to apply transformations on the data from a formula. It allows to apply transformations from a :obj:`str` formula. See below for examples. :param formula: Regression formula to be run of the form :obj:`y ~ x1 + x2`. Accepted functions are: * :math:`\\log(x)` \\: :obj:`log(X)` * :math:`\\exp(x)` \\: :obj:`exp(X)` * :math:`\\sqrt{x}` \\: :obj:`sqrt(X)` * :math:`\\cos(x)` \\: :obj:`cos(X)` * :math:`\\sin(x)` \\: :obj:`sin(X)` * :math:`x^{z}` \\: :obj:`X ** Z` * :math:`\\dfrac{x}{z}` \\: :obj:`X/Z` * :math:`x \\times z` \\: :obj:`X*Z` :type formula: :obj:`str` :param data: Data on which to perform the transformations. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` :param check_values: For each transformation check whether the data range satisfy the domain definition of the function, defaults to True. :type check_values: bool, optional :param return_all: Returns the transformed data, column :obj:`Y` and columns :obj:`X`, defaults to False. :type return_all: bool, optional :example: >>> from import parse_formula >>> print(input_df) ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+ ... | X1 | X2 | Y | ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+ ... | 0.555096 | 0.681083 | -1.383428 | ... | 1.155661 | 0.391129 | -7.780989 | ... | -0.299251 | -0.445602 | -8.146673 | ... | -0.978311 | 1.312146 | 8.653818 | ... | -0.225917 | 0.522016 | -9.684332 | ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+ >>> form = 'Y ~ X1 + X2 + exp(X2) + X1*X2' >>> new_df = parse_formula(form, data=input_df) >>> print(new_df) ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ ... | X1 | X2 | Y | exp(X2) | X1*X2 | ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ ... | 0.555096 | 0.681083 | -1.383428 | 1.976017 | 0.378066 | ... | 1.155661 | 0.391129 | -7.780989 | 1.478649 | 0.452012 | ... | -0.299251 | -0.445602 | -8.146673 | 0.640438 | 0.133347 | ... | -0.978311 | 1.312146 | 8.653818 | 3.714134 | -1.283687 | ... | -0.225917 | 0.522016 | -9.684332 | 1.685422 | -0.117932 | ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ :raises ValueError: Returns an error when the data cannot satisfy the domain definition for the required transformation. :return: Transformed data set :rtype: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` """ warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Parse formula no_space_formula = formula.replace(' ', '') Y_col = no_space_formula.split('~')[0] X_col = no_space_formula.split('~')[1].split('+') # Non-linear transformations log_cols = ['(?<=log\\().*?(?=\\))', x).group(0) for x in X_col if re.findall('log\\(', x)] # log exp_cols = ['(?<=exp\\().*?(?=\\))', x).group(0) for x in X_col if re.findall('exp\\(', x)] # exp sqrt_cols = ['(?<=sqrt\\().*?(?=\\))', x).group(0) for x in X_col if re.findall('sqrt\\(', x)] # sqrt cos_cols = ['(?<=cos\\().*?(?=\\))', x).group(0) for x in X_col if re.findall('cos\\(', x)] # cos sin_cols = ['(?<=sin\\().*?(?=\\))', x).group(0) for x in X_col if re.findall('sin\\(', x)] # sin # Transformation functions transformations_functional = {'log': {'func': np.log, 'cols': log_cols}, 'exp': {'func': np.exp, 'cols': exp_cols}, 'cos': {'func': np.cos, 'cols': cos_cols}, 'sin': {'func': np.sin, 'cols': sin_cols}, 'sqrt': {'func': np.sqrt, 'cols': sqrt_cols}, } # Apply transformations for key, transformation in transformations_functional.items(): for c in transformation['cols']: col_to_transform = c # .split('(')[1].split(')')[0] # Transform data.loc[:, f'{key}({col_to_transform})'] = transformation['func'](data[col_to_transform]) # Multiplications, power and ration functions pow_cols = [x for x in X_col if re.findall('[a-zA-Z0-9\\(\\)][*][*][a-zA-Z0-9]', x)] # X1 ** x inter_cols = [x for x in X_col if re.findall('[a-zA-Z0-9\\(\\)][*][a-zA-Z0-9]', x)] # X1 * X2 div_cols = [x for x in X_col if re.findall('[a-zA-Z0-9\\(\\)][/][a-zA-Z0-9]', x)] # X1 / X2 # Exponents for c in pow_cols: c_left = c.split('**')[0] c_power = c.split('**')[1] # Get components as number or column from data left = data[c_left].values if c_left in data.columns else float(c_left) power = data[c_power].values if c_power in data.columns else float(c_power) # Transform data.loc[:, c] = left ** power # Multiplications for c in inter_cols: c_left = c.split('*')[0] c_right = c.split('*')[1] # Get components as number or column from data try: left = data[c_left].values if c_left in list(data.columns) + X_col else float(c_left) right = data[c_right].values if c_right in list(data.columns) + X_col else float(c_right) except Exception: raise ValueError(f'Columns {c_left} or {c_right} not found in data.') # Transform data.loc[:, c] = left * right # Divide for c in div_cols: c_num = c.split('/')[0] c_denom = c.split('/')[1] # Get components as number or column from data num = data[c_num].values if c_num in list(data.columns) + X_col else float(c_num) denom = data[c_denom].values if c_denom in list(data.columns) + X_col else float(c_denom) if check_values: assert (denom == 0.).sum() == 0, f'Column {col_to_transform} contains null values.' # Transform data.loc[:, c] = num / denom if '1' in X_col: data['1'] = 1 # Putting pandas' warning message back warnings.filterwarnings('default') if return_all: return data, X_col, Y_col else: return data
####################################################################################################################### # Adding One Hot Encoding
[docs]def OneHotEncoding(data, columns, drop=True, verbose=False): """Performs One Hot Encoding (OHE) usally used in Machine Learning. :param data: Data Frame on which we apply One Hot Encoding. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` :param columns: Column to be converted to dummy variables. :type columns: :obj:`list` :param drop: Drop the column for one attribute (first value that appears in the dataset). This helps avoid multicolinearity issues in subsequent models, defaults to True. :type drop: :obj:`bool`, optional :param verbose: Display progression, defaults to False. :type verbose: :obj:`bool`, optional :example: >>> from import OneHotEncoding >>> print(df) ... +----+--------+----------+-----+ ... | Id | Gender | Category | Age | ... +----+--------+----------+-----+ ... | 1 | Male | A | 23 | ... | 2 | Female | B | 21 | ... | 3 | Female | A | 31 | ... | 4 | Male | C | 22 | ... | 5 | Female | A | 26 | ... +----+--------+----------+-----+ >>> # Encoding columns "Gender" and "Category" >>> new_df = OneHotEncoding(df, columns=["Gender", "Category"]) >>> print(new_df) ... +----+---------------+------------+------------+-----+ ... | Id | Gender_Female | Category_B | Category_C | Age | ... +----+---------------+------------+------------+-----+ ... | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 23 | ... | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 21 | ... | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 31 | ... | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 22 | ... | 5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 26 | ... +----+---------------+------------+------------+-----+ >>> # Listing the newly created columns >>> print(new_df.meta._ohe) ... {'Gender': ['Gender_Female'], ... 'Category': ['Category_A', 'Category_B']} >>> # Get the aggregated list of encoded columns >>> print(new_df.meta._ohe_all_columns) ... ['Gender_Female', 'Category_B', 'Category_C'] :return: Transformed data with One Hot Encoded variables. New attributes are added to the data frame: * :obj:`df.meta._ohe`: contains the encoded columns and the created columns. * :obj:`df.meta._ohe_all_columns`: aggregates the newly created columns in one list. This list can directly be passed or appended to the input columns argument of subsequent models. :rtype: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` """ dataset = data.copy() try: if dataset.meta._ohe_exists: dataset.meta._ohe_exists = True except Exception: dataset.meta = SimpleNamespace() dataset.meta._ohe_exists = True dataset.meta._ohe = {} dataset.meta._ohe_all_columns = [] cols = [columns] if type(columns) == str else columns # Start encoding column by column for column in cols: # Get all values from the column all_values = dataset[column].unique() all_values = all_values[1:] if drop else all_values new_cols = [f'{column}_{val}' for val in all_values] # Add column metadata dataset.meta._ohe.update({column: new_cols}) dataset.meta._ohe_all_columns += new_cols # Encode values for val in all_values: if verbose: print('Encoding for value: ' + str(val)) colname = column + '_' + str(val) dataset.loc[:, colname] = 0 dataset.loc[dataset[column] == val, colname] = 1 # Drop the original categorical column dataset.drop(columns=[column], inplace=True) return(dataset)
####################################################################################################################### # Convert an array of values into a dataset matrix: used for LSTM data pre-processing
[docs]def create_dataset(data, n_in=1, n_out=1, dropnan=True): """Function to convert a DataFrame into into multivariate time series format readable by Keras LSTM. :param data: DataFrame on which to aply the transformation. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` :param n_in: Input dimension also known as look back or size of the window, defaults to 1 :type n_in: :obj:`int`, optional :param n_out: Output dimension, defaults to 1 :type n_out: :obj:`int`, optional :param dropnan: Remove empty values in the series, defaults to True :type dropnan: :obj:`bool`, optional :return: Features converted for Keras LSTM. :rtype: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` """ n_vars = 1 if type(data) is list else data.shape[1] df = pd.DataFrame(data) cols, names = list(), list() # input sequence (t-n, ... t-1) for i in range(n_in, 0, -1): cols.append(df.shift(i)) names += [('var%d(t-%d)' % (j + 1, i)) for j in range(n_vars)] # forecast sequence (t, t+1, ... t+n) for i in range(0, n_out): cols.append(df.shift(-i)) if i == 0: names += [('var%d(t)' % (j + 1)) for j in range(n_vars)] else: names += [('var%d(t+%d)' % (j + 1, i)) for j in range(n_vars)] # put it all together agg = pd.concat(cols, axis=1) agg.columns = names # drop rows with NaN values if dropnan: agg.dropna(inplace=True) return agg
[docs]def split_sequences(data, look_back=1): """Split a multivariate time series from :py:meth:`` into a Keras' friendly format for LSTM. :param data: Data in the format of sequences to transform. :type data: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :param look_back: Size of the trailing window, number of time steps to consider, defaults to 1. :type look_back: :obj:`int` :exemple: >>> from import multivariate_time_series, split_sequences >>> train_to_split = multivariate_time_series(train) >>> X, y = split_sequences(train_to_split, look_back=7) :return: * :obj:`x`: Input data converted for Keras LSTM. * :obj:`y`: Target series converted for Keras LSTM. :rtype: * :obj:`numpy.ndarray` * :obj:`numpy.ndarray` """ X, y = list(), list() for i in range(len(data)): # find the end of this pattern end_ix = i + look_back # check if we are beyond the dataset if end_ix > len(data) - 1: break # gather input and output parts of the pattern seq_x, seq_y = data[i:end_ix, :], data[end_ix, :] X.append(seq_x) y.append(seq_y) return np.array(X), np.array(y)
[docs]def multivariate_time_series(data): """Convert a dataframe into numpy array multivariate time series. :param data: Input data to transform. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` :exemple: >>> from import multivariate_time_series, split_sequences >>> train_to_split = multivariate_time_series(train) >>> X, y = split_sequences(train_to_split, look_back=7) :return: Transformed multivariate time series data. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` """ to_stack = () for _c in data.columns: series = data[_c].to_numpy() to_stack += (series.reshape((len(series), 1)), ) return np.hstack(to_stack)
####################################################################################################################### # Scale dataset
[docs]class Scaler: def __init__(self, data, columns): """Data scaler. :param data: Data set to scale. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` :param columns: Columns to scale. :type columns: :obj:`list` :example: >>> from import Scaler, generate_dataset >>> coeffs = [1.2556, -0.465, 1.665414, 2.5444, -7.56445] >>> data = generate_dataset(coeffs, n=10, std_dev=2.6) >>> # Original dataset >>> print(data) ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ ... | X0 | X1 | X2 | X3 | X4 | Y | ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ ... | 0.977594 | 1.669510 | -1.385569 | 0.696975 | -1.207098 | 8.501692 | ... | -0.953802 | 1.025392 | -0.639291 | 0.658251 | 0.746814 | -7.186085 | ... | -0.148140 | -0.972473 | 0.843746 | 1.306845 | 0.269834 | 1.939924 | ... | 0.499385 | -1.081926 | 2.646441 | 0.910503 | 0.857189 | 0.389257 | ... | -0.563977 | -0.511933 | -0.726744 | -0.630345 | -0.486822 | -0.125787 | ... | -0.434994 | -0.396210 | 1.101739 | -0.660236 | -1.197566 | 7.735832 | ... | 0.032478 | -0.114952 | -0.097337 | 1.794769 | 1.239423 | -5.510332 | ... | 0.085569 | -0.600019 | 0.224186 | 0.301771 | 1.278387 | -8.648084 | ... | -0.028844 | -0.329940 | -0.301762 | 0.946077 | -0.359133 | 5.099971 | ... | -0.665312 | 0.270254 | -1.263288 | 0.545625 | 0.499162 | -6.126528 | ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ >>> # Load scaler class >>> scaler = Scaler(data=data, columns=['X1', 'X2']) >>> # Scale our dataset with MinMax method >>> scaled_df = scaler.MinMax() >>> print(scaled_df) ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ ... | X0 | X1 | X2 | X3 | X4 | Y | ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ ... | 0.977594 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.696975 | -1.207098 | 8.501692 | ... | -0.953802 | 0.765898 | 0.185088 | 0.658251 | 0.746814 | -7.186085 | ... | -0.148140 | 0.039781 | 0.552904 | 1.306845 | 0.269834 | 1.939924 | ... | 0.499385 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.910503 | 0.857189 | 0.389257 | ... | -0.563977 | 0.207162 | 0.163399 | -0.630345 | -0.486822 | -0.125787 | ... | -0.434994 | 0.249221 | 0.616890 | -0.660236 | -1.197566 | 7.735832 | ... | 0.032478 | 0.351444 | 0.319501 | 1.794769 | 1.239423 | -5.510332 | ... | 0.085569 | 0.175148 | 0.399244 | 0.301771 | 1.278387 | -8.648084 | ... | -0.028844 | 0.273307 | 0.268801 | 0.946077 | -0.359133 | 5.099971 | ... | -0.665312 | 0.491445 | 0.030328 | 0.545625 | 0.499162 | -6.126528 | ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ >>> # Unscale the new dataset to retreive previous data scale >>> unscaled_df = scaler.unscaleMinMax(scaled_df) >>> print(unscaled_df) ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ ... | X0 | X1 | X2 | X3 | X4 | Y | ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ ... | 0.977594 | 1.669510 | -1.385569 | 0.696975 | -1.207098 | 8.501692 | ... | -0.953802 | 1.025392 | -0.639291 | 0.658251 | 0.746814 | -7.186085 | ... | -0.148140 | -0.972473 | 0.843746 | 1.306845 | 0.269834 | 1.939924 | ... | 0.499385 | -1.081926 | 2.646441 | 0.910503 | 0.857189 | 0.389257 | ... | -0.563977 | -0.511933 | -0.726744 | -0.630345 | -0.486822 | -0.125787 | ... | -0.434994 | -0.396210 | 1.101739 | -0.660236 | -1.197566 | 7.735832 | ... | 0.032478 | -0.114952 | -0.097337 | 1.794769 | 1.239423 | -5.510332 | ... | 0.085569 | -0.600019 | 0.224186 | 0.301771 | 1.278387 | -8.648084 | ... | -0.028844 | -0.329940 | -0.301762 | 0.946077 | -0.359133 | 5.099971 | ... | -0.665312 | 0.270254 | -1.263288 | 0.545625 | 0.499162 | -6.126528 | ... +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ """ super(Scaler, self).__init__() = data.copy() self.scalers = {} self.columns = list(columns) for c in columns: _min =[c].min() _max =[c].max() _mean =[c].mean() _std =[c].std() _scale_temp = {'min': float(_min), 'max': float(_max), 'mean': float(_mean), 'std': float(_std), } self.scalers.update({c: _scale_temp}) def _col_to_list(self, columns): """Transforms column names to be scaled as list. :param columns: Column names to be scaled. :type columns: :obj:`list` or :obj:`str` :return: Column name(s) as a list :rtype: :obj:`list` """ if columns is None: cols = self.columns elif type(columns) == str: cols = [columns] else: cols = columns return cols
[docs] def MinMax(self, data=None, columns=None, feature_range=(0, 1), col_suffix=''): """Min-max scaler. Data we range between 0 and 1. :param data: Data set to scale, defaults to None, takes data provided in :py:meth:`__init__`, defaults to None. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional :param columns: Columns to be scaled, defaults to None, takes the list provided in :py:meth:`__init__`, defaults to None. :type columns: :obj:`list`, optional :param feature_range: Expected value range of the scaled data, defaults to (0, 1). :type feature_range: :obj:`tuple`, optional :param col_suffix: Suffix to add to colum names, defaults to '', overrides the existing columns. :type col_suffix: :obj:`str`, optional :formula: .. math:: x_{\\text{scaled}} = \\dfrac{x - \\min(x)}{\\max(x) - \\min(x)} \\cdot (f\\_max - f\\_min) + f\\_min where :math:`(f\\_min, f\\_max)` defaults to :math:`(0, 1)` and corresponds to the expected data range of the scaled data from argument :obj:`feature_range`. :return: Data set with scaled features. :rtype: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` """ self._minmax_suffix = col_suffix self._minmax_feature_range = feature_range f_min, f_max = self._minmax_feature_range cols = self._col_to_list(columns) df = if data is None else data.copy() for c in cols: # Retreive min and max _min = self.scalers[c]['min'] _max = self.scalers[c]['max'] tmp = (df[c] - _min) / (_max - _min) df[c + col_suffix] = tmp * (f_max - f_min) + f_min return df
[docs] def unscaleMinMax(self, data=None, columns=None, columns_mapping={}): """Unscale from min-max. Retreives data from the same range as the original features. :param data: Data set to unscale, defaults to None, takes data provided in :py:meth:`__init__`. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional :param columns: Columns to be unscaled, defaults to None, takes the list provided in :py:meth:`__init__`. :type columns: :obj:`list`, optional :param columns_mapping: Mapping between eventual renamed columns and original scaled column. :type columns_mapping: :obj:`dict`, optional :formula: .. math:: x_{\\text{unscaled}} = x_{\\text{scaled}} \\cdot \\left(\\max(x) - \\min(x) \\right) + \\min(x) :return: Unscaled data set. :rtype: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` """ cols = self._col_to_list(columns) df = if data is None else data.copy() unscale_suffix = '_unscaled' if self._minmax_suffix != '' else '' f_min, f_max = self._minmax_feature_range for c in cols: # Apply eventual column name mapping _c = c if columns_mapping.get(c) is None else columns_mapping.get(c) # Retreive min and max _min = self.scalers[_c]['min'] _max = self.scalers[_c]['max'] tmp = (df[c + self._minmax_suffix] - f_min) / (f_max - f_min) df[c + unscale_suffix] = (tmp * (_max - _min)) + _min return df
[docs] def Normalize(self, center=True, reduce=True, data=None, columns=None, col_suffix=''): """Data normalizer. Centers and reduces features (from mean and standard deviation). :param center: Center the variable, i.e. substract the mean, defaults to True. :type center: :obj:`bool`, optional :param reduce: Reduce the variable, i.e. devide by standard deviation, defaults to True. :type reduce: :obj:`bool`, optional :param data: Data set to normalize, defaults to None, takes data provided in :py:meth:`__init__`. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional :param columns: Columns to be normalize, defaults to None, takes the list provided in :py:meth:`__init__`. :type columns: :obj:`list`, optional :param col_suffix: [description], defaults to '' :type col_suffix: :obj:`str`, optional :formula: .. math:: x_{\\text{scaled}} = \\dfrac{x - \\bar{x}}{\\sqrt{\\mathbb{V}(x)}} :return: Data set with normalized features. :rtype: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` """ self._standard_suffix = col_suffix cols = self._col_to_list(columns) df = if data is None else data.copy() for c in cols: # Retreive mean if center: _mean = self.scalers[c]['mean'] self.scalers[c].update({'center': True}) else: _mean = 0. self.scalers[c].update({'center': False}) # Retreive std if reduce: _std = self.scalers[c]['std'] self.scalers[c].update({'reduce': True}) else: _std = 1. self.scalers[c].update({'reduce': False}) df[c + col_suffix] = (df[c] - _mean) / _std return df
[docs] def unscaleNormalize(self, data=None, columns=None, columns_mapping={}): """Denormalize data to retreive the same range as the original data set. :param data: Data set to unscale, defaults to None, takes data provided in :py:meth:`__init__`. :type data: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional :param columns: Columns to be unscaled, defaults to None, takes the list provided in :py:meth:`__init__`. :type columns: :obj:`list`, optional :param columns_mapping: Mapping between eventual renamed columns and original scaled column. :type columns_mapping: :obj:`dict`, optional :formula: .. math:: x_{\\text{unscaled}} = x_{\\text{scaled}} \\cdot \\sqrt{\\mathbb{V}(x)} + \\bar{x} :return: De-normalized data set. :rtype: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` """ cols = self._col_to_list(columns) df = if data is None else data.copy() unscale_suffix = '_unscaled' if self._standard_suffix != '' else '' for c in cols: # Apply eventual column name mapping _c = c if columns_mapping.get(c) is None else columns_mapping.get(c) # Retreive min and max _mean = self.scalers[_c]['mean'] if self.scalers[_c]['center'] else 0. _std = self.scalers[_c]['std'] if self.scalers[_c]['reduce'] else 1. df[c + unscale_suffix] = (df[c + self._standard_suffix] * _std) + _mean return df