### FAQ ### ***************************************************** I have an error when using a function, what can I do? ***************************************************** If you encounter an unexpected error (coming from the source code), we recommend to first check if you are using the latest version of PYCOF .. code:: pip3 show pycof If the version is not the latest one, please upgrade it. .. code:: pip3 install --upgrade pycof If you still encounter the same error with the most recent version, please raise an `issue`_. ---- *************************************************************************** I am having issues when installing pycof on Windows, is this a known issue? *************************************************************************** One of the dependencies for PYCOF is `pyarrow `_ which is not compatible on Windows 32bits. Check whether your computer is running on 32 or 64 bits (`Windows documentation `_). If your computer is 64 bits, check what your default python is using: .. code:: bash C:\Users\username>python Python 3.8.6 (tags/v3.8.6:db45529, Sep 23 2020, 15:52:53) [MSC v.1927 32 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> If you cannot see 64 bits, you may need to change your version of Python and `install `_ the 64 bit version. You may need to reboot your computer to see the changes effective. Find more details on the `Python documentation `_ or on `Geek University `_ for updating the Python path. If the problem persists, please raise an `issue`_. ---- *************************************************************** I am having issues with the Google dependencies, how can I fix? *************************************************************** Usually, the main issue dependencies come from requirements not met. We recommend to update the main dependencies by: .. code:: bash pip3 install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib Check the `Google API documentation `_ for more info. ---- ***************************************************************************** What if I change an argument in the SQL query and run with :obj:`cache='1h'`? ***************************************************************************** See `SQL FAQ 1 <../sql/sql.html?orgn=pycof_faq#what-if-i-change-an-argument-in-the-sql-query-and-run-with-cache-1h>`_. ---- ************************************* How to use different credential sets? ************************************* See `SQL FAQ 2 <../sql/sql.html?orgn=pycof_faq#how-to-use-different-credential-sets>`_. ---- **************************************** How to execute a query from an SQL file? **************************************** See `SQL FAQ 3 <../sql/sql.html?orgn=pycof_faq#how-to-execute-a-query-from-an-sql-file>`_. ---- ************************************** How to query with AWS IAM credentials? ************************************** See `SQL FAQ 4 <../sql/sql.html?orgn=pycof_faq#how-to-query-with-aws-iam-credentials>`_. ---- ********************** How to cache the data? ********************** See `SQL FAQ 5 <../sql/sql.html?orgn=pycof_faq#how-to-cache-the-data>`_. ---- ******************************************* How to query a database with SSH tunneling? ******************************************* See `SQL FAQ 6 <../sql/sql.html?orgn=pycof_faq#how-to-query-a-database-with-ssh-tunneling>`_. ---- ********************************************* How can I load a .json file as a dictionnary? ********************************************* See `Data FAQ 1 <../datamngt/datamngt.html?orgn=pycof_faq#how-can-i-load-a-json-file-as-a-dictionnary>`_. ---- ****************************** How can I read .parquet files? ****************************** See `Data FAQ 2 <../datamngt/datamngt.html?orgn=pycof_faq#how-can-i-read-parquet-files>`_. ---- ******************************************** How can I get my AWS credentials with boto3? ******************************************** See `Data FAQ 3 <../datamngt/datamngt.html?orgn=pycof_faq#how-can-i-get-my-aws-credentials-with-boto3>`_. ---- .. _git: https://github.com/florianfelice/PYCOF/ .. _issue: https://github.com/florianfelice/PYCOF/issues .. _statinf: https://www.florianfelice.com/statinf?orgn=pycof_faq